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Mgr Charles MOLETTE
Martyrs de la résistance spirituelle, tome 1. Victimes de la persécution nazie décrétée le 3 décembre 1943

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  • United Nations Development Programme - United Nations' principal provider of development advice, advocacy and grant support for the countries that are home to 90 percent of the world's extremely poor people
  • Alternatives (Canada) - Réseau d'action et de communication pour le développement international / Action and Communication Network for International Development
  • Novethic - Responsabilité sociale des entreprises et investissement éthique, Investissement Socialement Responsable, Développement Durable
  • TransFair Canada - Independent fair trade certification organization in Canada
  • GlobeNet, l'Internet associatif et solidaire - L'association met à disposition outils et compétences pour permettre aux associations qui militent dans les domaines de la citoyenneté active et de la solidarité internationale une appropriation adaptée des nouvelles technologies de la communication, notamment Internet
  • Population Council - Nonprofit, nongovernmental research organization established in 1952, seeks to improve the well-being and reproductive health of current and future generations around the world and to help achieve a humane, equitable, and sustainable balance between people and resources
  • The Co-operative Bank - A Bank offering Ecological Financial Service : Saving money and at the same time helping to protect our environment, Climate Care, Tropical Forests
  • UNA Consortium - Una Terra, Mondo di Tutti, Associates six organizations who work in international aid and cooperation with poorer countries (Africa, Asia, Latin America, Balkans)
  • ISF Provence - Ingénieurs Sans Frontières Groupe Provence - Appui technique et méthodologique, Sensibilisation au développement et aux interdépendances Nord-Sud
  • CIVI - Centre d'Information sur le Volontariat International - Organisme de conseil et d'orientation, Promotion du Volontariat International auprès des jeunes, Permettre aux candidats de s'inscrire, Mettre en contact l'offre et la demande, Développer avec les écoles et universités des partenariats assurant une meilleure mobilité internationale pour les 18/28 ans
  • IFAT - International Federation for Alternative Trade - Joining IFAT, Members, Current Activities, Fair Trade Information, Sourcing Fair Trade Products, Jobs in IFAT
  • bolo'bolo - Préface : La mort lente de l'économie
  • Commerce équitable - Un catalogue de produits pour une planète plus équitable
  • Fairtrade Foundation (UK) - Guaranteeing a better deal for third world producers
  • FTF - Fair Trade Federation (USA) - An association of fair trade wholesalers, retailers, and producers whose members are committed to providing fair wages and good employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged artisans and farmers worldwide
  • BSR - Business for Social Responsibility - A global nonprofit organization that helps member companies achieve success in ways that respect ethical values, people, communities and the environment, Provides information, tools, training and advisory services to make corporate social responsibility an integral part of business operations and strategies
  • Union of Concerned Scientists - A nonprofit partnership of scientists and citizens combining scientific analysis, innovative policy development, and effective citizen advocacy to achieve practical environmental solutions
  • ACRA - Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina - Dal 1968 Cooperiamo lo sviluppo, Autofinanziamento, Scrivere progetti con la popolazioni locale
  • ISA - A global, nonprofit organization that is setting the standard for automation, Develops standards, Certifies industry professionals, Provides education and training, Publishes books and technical articles, Hosts the largest conference and exhibition for automation professionals in the Western Hemisphere
  • Calvert Online - Interactive tools and information that can help you achieve your investment goals, whether you're a shareholder, a financial advisor, an individual investor, or responsible for institutional investment decisions
  • - Investir en Zone Franc - Des informations en ligne en langue française validées par les institutions régionales et les Banques centrales de la Zone Franc : des données macro-économiques, financières et monétaires, des textes réglementaires, juridiques et fiscaux adoptés par les conseils des ministres des 2 Unions, les Conférences des chefs d'Etat

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